Out of the many interactions of nature, we will talk about a few that interests us the most in this section. We already understand that Meether is always moving faster than the speed of light, including when it passes through matter. As Meether passes through matter, it does not affect the body of mass directly, but it will have an effect on its own kind, namely the body’s Set Meether. Like a man walking his dog, a body of mass and its Set Meether never leaves each other. Suppose that a body of mass is represented by the dog while its Set Meether is represented by the owner. If either attempts to stray away, it would have to pull the other along. Natural movement is defined as the case when Set Meether is taking the lead while traveling harmoniously with the body of which it governs; like a dog walking beside its owner on a slack leash. During natural movement, matter does not experience any forces or tugs by its Set Meether. But if for any reason the two do not move in sync, then the body of mass will be subjected to a force due to this disparity. Unnatural movement is defined as the case when matter takes the lead in motion. If an outside force accelerates a body of mass, the body will drag its Set Meether along and thus experience a force. This is inertial force.
The pressure at any given point is equal in all directions within a stagnant body of fluid. If the body of fluid is in motion, the pressure forces at the front of the moving fluid will increase and the forces along its sides will decrease. The faster it travels, the lower the pressure on its sides. This principle was established by Bernoulli hundreds of years ago and still serves as a basis for the lift forces generated by airfoils today, among others. As discussed earlier, a body’s Set Meether is constantly in motion at a speed faster than light. Because a Set Meether encircles a body of mass, this motion can only be a rotational spin. When a liquid spins, a vortex is created. When a gas spins, a cyclone is created. What about Meether? Let’s use the Sun as an example. The Sun’s saturated Set Meether is most intense within our solar system. Within this constantly circling body of Meether, it is obvious that the motion becomes progressively faster towards the center of the Sun. Thus, the Set Meether of a particle within this flowing body of Meether experiences greater motion on its side facing the Sun than does its side facing the opposite direction. Indeed, Meether produces a force directed towards the center of the Sun. This is the concept of gravity. My god, the key that Newton had been looking for centuries ago had been hung by Bernoulli decades later on that very same apple tree! Now as we look at it from a new angle, it is as clear as day. And because Meether’s top speed is infinity, the Sun’s unsaturated Set Meether can reach infinite distance, though with infinitesimal influence.
Recalling a story told by my high school physics teacher: A ferry service once refused to negotiate with the labor union, whose workers were on strike. To keep the service running, a battleship crew were appointed to operate the ferries. However, this battleship crew had no experience maneuvering ferries and thus did not get the proper approach angle nor speed while docking the smaller vessels. The result was ferries colliding on their sides with the terminals at speed and knocking everyone on board to the floor. What went wrong? When a ship sails close to and parallel with a dock, the flow of the water in between would rapidly speed up and generate a low pressure region while pressure on the opposite side remains constant, which in turn forces the ship to collide with the dock. By the same token, when two quarks, with Set Meethers spinning in opposite directions, get close enough together, the “flow” between their respective Set Meethers speeds up. This increased motion is followed by an attractive force between the centers of mass of the quarks. The accelerating force is the greatest right before the centers of their Set Meethers converge. Then as the two Set Meethers pass each other, another “low pressure” flow is created between them which pulls them back. The two Set Meethers would then continuously “spring” back and forth, constantly switching places. If this is the case with Set Meethers, then what happens with the quark bodies? The only thing they can do is repeatedly collide with each other due to the tugging of their Set Meethers. If two ferries were to behave this way, passengers would not simply fall off their feet, but everything on board would fall overboard. This means that in time, two colliding quarks would be ridden of any loose infinitesimal particles. Now we understand that the collisions of nuclear fusion is much more intense than that of fission. Because of this, nuclear fusion releases much more energy than fission. The nuclear force (strong interaction) which holds the quarks together is just that simple. If Newton and Bernoulli had held a discussion regarding this natural interaction, this model would have likely been established hundreds of years ago. With this foundation, we believe that human beings can control nuclear fusion, and even gravity, in a not-too-distant future.