According to previous reasoning, our soul and our Set Meether are one and the same. When our Set Meether pressure drops to zero, it loses its control over our body and our life ends. ImMeether will then vanish as our body decomposes.29 However, this doesn’t mean that our soul is finished. Since our Set Meether is still at 100% RM30, and the local Set Meether is at 100% RM as well, our Set Meether will become one with the surrounding’s. To preserve our 100% RM Set Meether, it must remain within the local Set Meether, such as the Set Meether of the room or house. That being said, if the state of the surrounding local Set Meether changes, for example becomes colder resulting in a RM that marginally exceeds 100%, then our apparition may appear. If our Set Meether (soul) wishes to separate from the local Set Meether, it must first reduce its RM meaning it must purge part of itself. The further our soul moves away, the faster it will travel, the lower its RM will be, and the more it will purge. When our soul leaves the universe, none of it will remain. The traces that are left behind as our soul travels is what I will call “ionic” soul. This marks the end of our soul.
But where does our soul originate? As mentioned in the previous section, our life is created by uniting two points of the highest Meether pressure. Our heredity is the foundation to our soul. Because our life exists at super high Meether pressures, we have to constantly absorb Secondhand Energy to grow.30a The rate of absorptivity is highest particularly during gestation. We grow most rapidly during prenatal development and as we reach full adulthood, we gradually build our soul by absorbing traces of ionic soul in addition to Secondhand Energy. That is why the environment in which we grow significantly affects the characteristics of our soul. The limit of our physical growth as well as our soul growth is determined by the initial intensity of our Meether pressure at conception. This is why given the same environmental conditions, dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years closer to the original life than did human beings. They are physically larger due to a relatively higher Meether pressure associated with their time era. Since this is the natural progression of life, we can conclude that in some million years from now, most land life on earth will be the size of mice.
If you are still not convinced and believe that deep in our soul there is some perpetual element that keeps our soul alive forever, then the only explanation is as follows. If you are birthed, you will die. If you wish to escape from the idea of life and death, then this element has to belong to a higher dimension in which our four dimensional space has no influence over. In turn, this suggests that such an element is completely unaffected by our time and space so they are neither birthed nor will they die. They are omnipotent and are only passing us by. Then why would such a supreme element visit such a humble place? If you cannot see above, you look down. For example, a zoologist travels to the rain forest to stay with a group of gorillas. What is he doing there? Does he want to become the leader of the gorillas? No. Does he want to bring them to the city? No. Does he want to teach them to fish, to build a house, to learn a new language, or to show them ways to improve their lives? No. He wants to study their behavior. Likewise, an omnipotent element’s purpose is to develop a feel for humanity. The zoologist would not attempt to command the gorillas. Then such an element will not attempt to control our soul. Through our entire lifetime, it will most likely not affect us. If it does, it will be a miracle.